While a lot of people will probably pass up the chance to vote Jade Goody 'Mother of the Year', we cannot help not mentioning her cosmetic surgery wish.
Jade looks like she will be following up on that liposuction surgery she had all those years ago when she was fresh out of the Big Brother house. The plastic surgery procedures she now has on mind are a breast lift surgery and a tummy tuck.
Jade has not maintained her body after the liposuction and breast augmentation surgery as she is supposed to do. Regardless of the cosmetic surgeon's advice, many women do not follow up on their mommy makeover with regular exercise.
Jade, with her weight fluctuations ranging from 9 1/2st and 12 1/2st, quite clearly falls in this group and as she admitted to Closer magazine, she is up for another surgery to maintain the results.
For a mommy makeover package, which typically consists of liposuction, tummy tuck and breast surgery, women can either chose to maintain the effects of surgery via exercise or they can have more plastic surgery.
At the www.mommymakeoverbeverlyhills.com, we recommend the former option as we are convinced of the benefits regular workouts and wholesome diets have on men and women. However, our professional plastic surgeons can perform subtle cosmetic work if the patient wishes to do so. In their hands, the results are more than satisfactory.
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Friday, July 18, 2008
Jade Goody’s Mommy Makeover
Now It’s Mom’s Turn To Get a Makeover
'Mother' is a word which is described in different ways by different people. Mothering is not an easy task for all. It expects one to devote yourself as well as your sources to your children. In this process of being an ideal mother to your child, you tend to ignore your own well-being.
A growing number of mothers and mothers-to-be are choosing to be active throughout their pregnancy in order to remain healthy. Mommies are now gradually realizing that it is necessary for them to take care of themselves too. In order to achieve this goal of being fit and healthy, they are going in for different mommy makeovers procedures.
The www.mommymakeoverbeverlyhills.com offers some of the best mommy makeovers combinations in California. These procedures are made up of different surgical treatments that are able to give women and mothers a new look.
At the California Surgical Institute for mommy makeovers in Beverly Hills a team of experienced cosmetic surgeons are available on hand to take care of clients in just the right way. If you are uncertain about any of these cosmetic surgery procedures then we have consultants to guide you and answer all your queries.
If you wish to get more information on mommy makeovers and other plastic surgery procedures contact us.
Has Minnie Driver Had A Mommy Makeover Before The Baby?
For a woman who is constantly in the media glare, Minnie Driver has kept the identity of her child's father a secret for a remarkably long time.
What she uninhibitedly discloses however, is her pleasure in being a single mom and having a baby to look after. Minnie has taken the amazing decision to have a child and raise it up single-handedly- something that takes tremendous courage.
For mothers like Minnie it is very easy to slip into a lifestyle mode where their entire life revolves around the baby. A lot of them disregard their appearance reasoning that there is no time to take care of themselves, etc.
Instead of making excuses for personal maintenance, it would do single mothers a whole lot of good to get a mommy makeover. Make an effort to look good for small occasions. While you cannot expect to look red carpet-worthy all the time like Minnie Driver, you can invest a little into some monthly spa treatments or a daily 10-minute facial.
You can even have cosmetic surgery treatments like mommy makeovers procedures. At the www.mommymakeoverbeverlyhills.com, we can help you select the treatment or surgery combinations that will suit you and your changing body best.
Know more at our www.mommymakeoverbeverlyhills.com.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Obesity→ Fertility→ Pregnancy: The Connection
Researchers in Barcelona, Spain are worried that male obesity could lead to a decrease in fertility levels.
The study found out that the quality of seminal fluid is not only low but also less in quantity, with occurrences of more sperm abnormalities discovered in them than in regular weighing men. This could be a distressing thing for couples who want to conceive.
While liposuction procedures can be an option for such men, cosmetic surgery ought to be accompanied by regular exercise as well so that physical fitness and stamina can be maintained.
Obesity in both men and women involves a lot of health problems and for a long time it was considered crucial for the woman to maintain her weight.
Note: Ovulatory dysfunction is one the main problems that women who are overweight face- it results in infertility.
Couples looking to conceive and begin planning a family ought to consider plastic surgery options like a mommy makeover combination or a separate liposuction followed by a weight control and diet plan. While the results of such endeavors would be beneficial for you as an individual, it could turn out to be doubly so for the child.
Visit the www.mommymakeoverbeverlyhills.com for more information on mommy makeovers procedures.
Mommy Makeover Loves: Christian Bale The Daddy
Who would have thought that behind Batman's cool, sexy façade lurks one really adorable daddy!
Christian Bale, doting daddy loves being in the shoes of the court jester though and likes nothing more than having his family on set when he is shooting. According to him, "It's the most ideal mix. These wonderful distractions actually make me better at what I do." Now isn't that sweet!
CSI liposuction once tried to figure out whether this dashing daddy ever had any liposuction surgery and simply gave up. The 34-year-old Welsh actor who plays Batman in the soon-to-be released The Dark Knight is an absolute fitness freak.
In 2004, he lost about 60 pounds for his character in The Machinis. For the role of the caped crusader, he seems to back in action with his cuts and abs.
There is no way this amazing actor would have had a liposuction procedure, a cosmetic surgery domain belonging more to the fairer sex. Now you, on the other hand, could think of getting your husband to work around to getting a mommy makeover (of course, you don't need to put it that-a-way) equivalent if he's a few sizes too big.
A liposuction surgery can do the trick if your husband especially has been overlooking his weight lately or has been facing a health problem related to weight gain. While you cannot expect a Hollywood star-perfect body for him, you can no doubt help him lose a few annoying pounds.
But before you decide, give the www.mommymakeoverbeverlyhills.com a call to check if he really needs a 'mommy makeover' or else you could just join him in the gym.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Myleene Klass Feels FAT?
What would you expect regular moms to do when perfectly gorgeous (the keyword being perfect out here) women say they look fat in the bikini shot of a lifetime!
Myleene Klass, wünder-mum and a thirty-year-old TV personality claims she felt 'podgy' when she shot a swimsuit campaign for Marks & Spencer. And this was three months after she gave birth to baby girl Ava.
Now just take a look at her out here. If there isn't a quicker mommy makeover than the one Mylene Klass is sporting then we don't know what is.
Beautifully rounded curves and a slight paunch (mommy must-have for a bikini by-the-way) make us at CSI mommy makeovers wonder if it isn't cosmetic surgery that has done the trick for Mylene after all.
Compared to the still plump Halle Berry (delivered this year) and plumper Britney Spears (hey, she had more time!) Myleene has accomplished quite a lot physically-speaking. But whether she has had certain select mommy makeovers procedures or not, Myleene rocks the momma brigade.
See how you can too at the www.mommymakeoverbeverlyhills.com. Give us a call or grab an appointment with us for a complete consultation session.
What Mommy Eats, Baby Feels
CSI mommy makeover was totally blown with the research we came across in Science Daily which claimed that prenatal nutrition and nutrition during childhood have a direct influence on the onset of menarche and obesity patterns in young girls.
For this study an experiment was conducted on rats, half of which were given a high-fat diet and the remaining half a regular diet. It was discovered that the progeny of the rats that were given a high fat diet reached maturity early as compared to the other group.
Later in their lifespan the rats born to mother rats that had a high-fat diet, also had high body fat in spite of what they were fed.
While we do not have any known procedure for mommy rats we do have excellent help for human mommies.
At mommy makeovers in Beverly Hills we not only recognize how important it is for mothers to be healthy during pregnancy but also how important it is for mommies to remain in a good shape after giving birth.
Keeping in mind all the queries that moms and to-be moms have about their health, the www.mommymakeoverbeverlyhills.com has a team of qualified and experienced surgeons for help. Whether you want to go down the cosmetic surgery path or you want nutritious advice, the CSI consultants can be your guide.
If you wish to have further information on mommy makeover procedures, we are just a call away.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Toxic Side Effect Of Globalization: Mommy Makeover
That’s what sociologist Anthony Elliot seems to think.
He also pegs down this combination plastic surgery procedure as an effect of “rampant consumerism, the electronic economy and, perhaps, a worldwide epidemic of good old melancholia.” Whew, quite a lot of charges against a cosmetic surgery wrap up that has helped so many mothers uncover their hidden beauty.
But then again, Elliot is an economist as well and such strata of society almost always come up with odd views like these. The part where he took off however was when he made a connection between cosmetic surgery and the death of a child at the hands of a father.
Surely a mommy makeover or any other plastic surgery procedure cannot have such an extreme effect on an individual? Maybe Elliot was just looking to deliver conclusions and hypothesis in true Freakonomics-style!
Whatever the case, CSI mommy makeovers cannot agree less with his views. Dr. Smaili's patient certainly wasn’t one to complain about her breast augmentation and breast lift surgery.
What are your views? Let us know at the www.mommymakeoverbeverlyhills.com, which incidentally, is completely for empowering women and enhancing their lives through mommy makeovers procedures.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good and feel better about yourself.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Get A Mommy Makeover In Your Spare Time
Elle Macpherson would like to wake up and go for a surf when she’s back in her homeland
PSI mommy makeovers simply love it when supermodels with careers that rock as good as their bodies go all ga-ga over parenting and being moms. Right there in our list of favorite supermodel moms is 44-year-old Elle Macpherson.
While it’s not fair to pitch her heavenly body in the face of regular women, we would like to point out little things you can do everyday for yourself and your body. They are enough for a more than decent mommy makeover.
If there’s still some money left in the petty cash, save it up and buy that stick of water-proof mascara you’ve been craving for. If you are a housewife with some time to spare while waiting for the kids and hubby to get back home, log on and make some money on the Internet. A lot of options are available for moms who’d like to work from home.
Little things work a long way when you are a mother looking for a mommy makeover. While cosmetic surgery is a smashing option, it is still a bit pricey. Look for ways you can work towards a procedure on your own strength. Elle Macpherson is her own woman today thanks to a few savvy decisions she took.
You can also enlist our help to work out your own special mommy makeover procedures and prices. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California would be only too happy to help you out!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Gwen Stefani Vain Mommy? No Doubt!
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Getting A Pre-baby Body
A major part of the population in the
Moms today want to see themselves looking gorgeous in spite of their routine of changing diapers and cooking. Most of them try every possible method from exercising to medications but sadly, not all find success. Some however conclude that mommy makeover procedures are the most perfect and preferable ways to get rid of that post-baby fat and return to their pre-pregnancy self.
Mommy makeovers generally include breast augmentation, tummy tuck and other similar plastic surgery procedures. Mums are seeking cosmetic enhancements more then ever to get rid of ugly stretch marks and other skin problems and also to lift sagging breasts.
Even Christina Aguilera, singer and mother to an adorable baby boy is known for bouncing back to her former figure with the help of a mommy makeover procedure like breast augmentation.
Mommy makeovers are performed at most of the leading plastic surgery practices in the
Mommy Makeovers Cheer For - Super-fit Daddies
Vin is the proud daddy of a two-month-old baby girl and the reason why we’re telling you this now is because everybody just got to know about it. Considering that Vin and his less-known model girlfriend Paloma Jimenez are not really spotlight addicts, the late reporting of this story should be understandable.
But here’s one action-hero whom mommy makeovers would really love to see taking his babe for a walk and some cuddling. Now that Father’s Day is just peeking around the corner daddies, what are you gonna do to get back in shape.
PSI mommy makeovers don’t think that only moms need to have all the fun.
You can get yourself ‘daddy do-overs’, all you daddies out there.
Take a pick from eyelid surgery procedures that get your eyes looking less tired and tension-filled and see how much fun you can have with your kids. A face lift on the other hand, will get everything fixed straightaway.
If you want to drop the pounds and get back to playing ball with the little ones, you could try out a combination liposuction and tummy tuck.
But if cosmetic surgery is not really your thing, get your workout togs out of the cupboard and check out the cool weight loss training packages we have access to. The consultants at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California can help you decide which mommy makeover, oops… daddy do-over packages are for you.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Lookout, A New Baby In The Airplane!
PSI mommy makeovers came across a newsflash last week which told about a mommy giving birth in mid-air. Now that’s a story to tell your child!
The baby was born en route a flight from
Most airlines have a policy against air travel for women who are past their 32nd week.
Though PSI mommy makeovers don’t encourage women to fly so late into their delivery, the perks of a mid-air birth are pretty cool. For instance, the United Nation’s deems a child born mid-air to be of the same nationality as the airplane’s registered country.
This has always been a topic for confusion though and just to avoid all the hassle it would cause you would be smart to stay at home within close distance of a hospital.
Almost every obstetrician would agree with this view. What about you? Would you cross out air travel during any part of your pregnancy, or would you go ahead and travel to the Amazon rainforests anyway?
Let us know at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California and wherever you travel after pregnancy, do make a trip for your cosmetic mommy makeover procedure to our advanced surgical institute.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sell Your Baby's Pictures - Good Parenting Sign (!)
The twins are not yet out and Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt apparently are in the middle of an alleged $15 million bid for pictures. The final figure is slated to bypass the money they raked in for pictures of their biological daughter Shiloh Nouvel- $4.1 million for North American rights and $3.5 million for international rights.
PSI Mommy makeovers also caught a whiff of baby pictures sales attempted by Joe Simpson, the father of newly declared mother-to-be Ashley Simpson. Joe is apparently gunning for a $1 million sale. From what we heard on Deceiver, it doesn’t sound very likely.
Now a mommy like Jennifer Lopez can get $5 million for pictures of her twins (babies that is) but a songstress like Christina Aguilera could get only a trifling $1.5 million.
But what is compelling these mommies and daddies to sell photos of their babies for such exorbitant sums?
Charity is believed to be the main motivator for some smart and kind ones while for others fame and greed are believed to be the prime motivators. PSI mommy makeovers leave it to you to decide the motives for each of these parents.
Whatever you say though, these women sure know how to spring back in shape after they have given birth to their precious ones. Whether mommy makeovers procedures via cosmetic surgery or a turnover via exercise, they are in full control of their bodies.
What about you? What did you do to get back in shape after giving birth to your wee ones? Let us know at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Get Savvy - Finance Your Mommy Makeover
The trio of tummy tuck, liposuction and breast surgery when performed together is very popularly termed as a mommy makeover procedure.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California however, this is a term we like to relate to just about any appearance enhancing cosmetic surgery that moms opt for. A mommy makeover is primarily considered to be a combination surgery.
So at our advanced surgical institute you could either opt for a face lift surgery along with a breast augmentation and laser skin resurfacing or you could have an arm lift with a thigh liposuction procedure.
The only points to remember are the medical conditions necessary to deem you eligible for the particular mommy makeover combination and the costs of the combined procedures. While the plastic surgeons can help you out with the former, you can take up the latter with our expert consultants.
All you have to do is get in touch with us for a complete diagnosis and our mommy makeovers consultants will check your financial details and direct you towards the various options for a loan or installment scheme. Furthermore, we often provide very agreeable discounts for our mommy makeovers combinations to make it easier on the mother.
So call us today and make a decision to look your best without depending on anyone but yourself.
Changed Your Breasts? Now Change Your Nose
We don’t talk much about nose surgery out here and that got me wondering why because a lot of the yummy mummies out there agree that a rhinoplasty is a stalwart companion to a breast augmentation.
So here’s a bit about nose enhancement surgery which also goes by the name of rhinoplasty.
A combination nose surgery and breast enhancement surgery has been had by everyone from Heidi Montag to (allegedly) Christina Aguilera and
Cosmetic mommy makeovers with these two procedures as its components are a good combination as both the nose and the breasts are very prominent feminine features. While the former is one of the three determining features in the face (eyes and chin are the other two), the breasts are believed to be the defining feature of the female figure.
Recovery from such a mommy makeover procedure will be different though as a nose job heals faster than the breast surgery procedure.
You can get more advice on these awesome mommy makeovers procedures at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. Expert consultants are on hand to answer all your image queries and considering the time required for your duties as a mom, we make it quick.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
If Your Weight Bothers You Start Planning
That’s what 40-year-old Carnie Wilson, daughter of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys did.
Mother to an adorable 2-year-old named Lola, curvy Carnie has always found the needle in the wrong part of the weighing scales. Her weight fluctuations have had her spiraling between 300 pounds to 208 pounds to 150 pounds and back again.
Carnie’s situation can be summed up as a been-there, done-that case. After she had Lola she bloomed up yet again and had to start her weight loss efforts all over again.
But thankfully this has kept Carnie away from discounting pregnancy altogether and this spirit is something that we admire at PSI mommy makeovers. In an interview with OK Magazine, she says, “I'd like to lose 45 to 50 pounds and then try to get pregnant again. I know I will do it! I don't consider myself a failure. I just got off track.”
While weight loss via traditional exercise could be an option for Carnie, she could even think about having multiple plastic surgeries like mommy makeovers procedures. These cosmetic surgery procedures are designed keeping in mind the physical anatomy of a woman who has just given birth and works to enhance the post-surgery body.
Mommy makeovers procedures are performed at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. Visit our advanced surgical institute for further information and help.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Mommy Makeovers Loves The Goody-two-shoes Madonna
Madge, that lovely (un) lady who rocks the 50-year-old mother image, has finally received the green signal to adopt David Banda.
The court in
When Madonna saw the child during one of her charity runs in the country, she began thinking about adoption. At PSI mommy makeovers we are very impressed with Madge’s stance on adoption and her lengthy battle for David and hope it all works out for Madge and him.
Despite being a mother of two biological children and now an adopted mother as well, Madonna has maintained her stunning figure relentlessly. For her, a mommy makeover is a constant process and one which she unyieldingly sticks to come rain or shine.
Madonna or rather Louise Ciccone Ritchie, has come far from her days as a ballet dancer in suburban
In her most recent album Hard Candy she has demonstrated once again how it is impossible to forget her as just another 40-something singer. Now that’s a mommy makeover result to be proud of!
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we value this need in a woman to look and feel her best no matter what age. Come discover yourself with our mommy makeovers procedures.
Mommy Makeovers Procedures – Make A Conscious Decision
Earlier this month the Daily Mail ran a story on three women who had plastic surgery after they gave birth to their babies. The Mail tagged their efforts as a ‘mummy tuck’ which could be another name for what the cosmetic surgery profession likes to refer to as a mommy makeover.
The three moms that were interviewed for the article echoed concerns of most of the women out there. Women, who have to deal with a changing body and ever-changing perceptions of physical beauty.
All the signs that are usually taken as motivators for cosmetic mommy makeovers procedures were there. Breasts that swell up twice the size and then reduce to less then the original size, stomachs that have loose skin flapping and getting in the way of fitted dresses and thighs and hips that show those dreaded silver streaks called stretch marks.
For all their worry about their newborn children, I find it admirable that these women made a conscious decision to look after themselves and go in for a mommy makeover. From whatever literature I have come across on the Internet about pregnancy and its aftermath, there’s one glaring issue that always grabs my attention.
Groups who think that the mother is selfish to think of herself and have plastic surgery and groups that commend the individuality that some mothers express when they decide to have cosmetic surgery.
It’s a constant dilemma for me especially since any mommy makeovers procedure is a solitary decision, taken by a mother who knows what’s good for her and the repercussions it may have on her family.
But I’d like to know what you think. Send in your shout outs at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California on this space.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Mommy Makeover After Twins – Will Angelina Have One?
Everybody’s favorite pregnant mommy Angelina Jolie, is going to be mommy to twins! Whew, that piece of gossip has been bursting to get off from everyone’s lips and Jack Black, Angelina’s co-star in Kung Fu Panda has done the dirty deed.
And to cap it all off nicely, Dustin Hoffman her other co-star spilled the beans on when she’s due as well. And they say women can’t keep a secret!
Angelina has been enjoying her stay in France and is contemplating giving birth in the country her mom belonged to as a tribute. How sweet is that! I for one am simply agog with how the wee babies are going to look when they are finally out. The first pics of the twins are pegged at a cool $10 million!
Taking my curiosity further, I can’t help thinking whether Angie is going to slip into major workout mode after delivery and get a mommy makeover. We all know how much of a fitness freak she is.
With her penchant for being exceptionally well-turned out at all times, a lot of people are laying bets on her getting some plastic surgery work done at least in addition to her traditional heavy workouts.
What mommy makeover procedures do you think Angie is going to get done post delivery? Let the Plastic Surgery Institute of California know your thoughts.
Mommy Makeovers Wonders Why Alanis Is Angry No More
When Alanis Morissette hit puberty and was blessed with the heavenly wonders known as breasts she got into a fit of rage.
Never one to shy from being herself and speaking out her mind, this 33-year-old rock chick surprised a lot of people when she stepped onto the sets of the Today show last Friday. Her straight brunette locks from her ‘Ironic’ days have given over to blonde curls ala Sarah Jessica Parker. And no longer is she togged in her feminist and tomboy threads; instead she looked casual chic in a black waistcoat over a red shirt.
Looks like Alanis is finally beginning to treat herself like a woman. So why are featuring her on this blog then? Well, because rumors of a pregnancy are rampant.
Since Alanis was never one for plastic surgery, there are high chances that her considerably larger breasts are the results of pregnancy fat. Her facial features too have gone softer and look plumper and are definitely not the result of a face implant surgery.
Oftentimes pregnancy is responsible for adding pleasant layers to women who are naturally skinny. The overall effect is so pleasant that women replicate the look with plastic surgeries like mommy makeovers procedures.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we can help you pick out some very good mommy makeovers packages. Enhance your body the right way with our help.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Shapewear And A Mommy Makeover – Where Do You Stand?
One of the hottest must-haves in pregnancy fashions is shapewear and as a yummy mommy who loves taking care of her body, you simply have to own some fab pieces.
The great thing about shapewear is that it’s a blessing in disguise (literally) for moms who have just delivered and are looking for a quickie mommy makeover. While it’s no replacement for actual mommy makeovers procedures, it’s as good as a chance you’ll get to celebrate your curves till your body is fit enough for a cosmetic surgery procedure.
Shapewear actually count as lingerie and even heavy-set women are known to swear by it. Our mommy makeovers team thinks it’s a marvelous plan to get your body used to the idea of a slimmer body post-pregnancy, especially if you are considering multiple cosmetic surgery procedures like mommy makeovers.
And there is nothing granny-like about shapewear; girdles and ugly corsets are a thing of the past. There are some awesome options and styles for women out there.
For instance, at the Pregnancy Fashion Blog we saw this lovely basic one-piece. JC Penney too has some options you could indulge in for everyday use. Maidenform even have some sexy lace pieces which you could experiment with (and have fun trying out).
Who says you get fat, ugly and dawdle even after pregnancy? It’s a wonderful state to be in thank you very much! So enhance your body, put on some shapewear for a few months and then get in touch with your plastic surgeon for a rejuvenating mommy makeover.
Get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for some sizzling mommy makeovers procedures and prices.
Eva Herzigova – The Yummy Mummy To Be
For a woman who loves to ride a Harley Davidson in her spare time and have the moniker ‘Marilyn Monroe of the 90’s’ attached to her name, its all in a day’s work for the proud mommy to a 11-month-old, Eva Herzigova.
Spotted after a long time at this year’s Cannes Film Festival at the premier of Che, Eva brought back fond memories of the girl who was the face of the Wonderbra campaign once upon a time. Her fresh-faced sexuality has only matured with motherhood and makes her a favorite with our mommy makeovers team.
Pregnancy and motherhood actually brought out Eva’s nurturing side and found her flourishing in her motherly curves famously declaring at that time, “I love being fat”.
But fat she definitely isn’t from what we saw of Eva’s figure wrapped in luscious lace at the Croisette’s walkway. The mommy makeover (sans surgery we think) Eva had after she delivered wee George is much better and healthier-looking than the skinny state she was in before pregnancy.
Isn’t it sweet what motherhood can do to a jet-setting model! At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we are loving it.
Get in touch with our advanced surgical institute for some fabulous discounts and packages on mommy makeovers procedures.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Mommy Makeovers Approves - Getting Over A Split Positively
Mommy makeovers favorite Liv Tyler has suddenly transformed into a vamp. Where is the ethereal Arwen Undómiel (her character in LOTR), where is the girl-child Grace Stamper (Armageddon) and more importantly where is the mature mother of little
Her look for the Late Night Show with David Letterman left scores of Liv Tyler fans stunned, shocked and disappointed. Vivid red lipstick slashed a harsh line across her face and clashed completely with dark overly made up eyes.
To top it off Liv’s face was completely pale and made her ‘special effects makeup’ all the more worse. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is far from ecstatic with this harsh mommy makeover post-separation and fervently hopes she springs back in character.
A divorce or split from your partner can be a difficult time for any woman especially if there are children to care for. But I feel it’s an exercise in futility going overboard with certain things you would normally not do (smoking, drinking, flashing, cussing at your ex, et al).
Instead, it will do you a world of good if you channel all your negative energy and do something that will empower you once again. Try to look for things that will also pamper you in the process (choice mommy makeovers procedures, gardening, hiking, going out with the kids, shopping, et al).
It’s never too late to start over.
Get in touch with our advanced surgical institute for cosmetic enhancement if you want help with cosmetic surgery procedures.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Pregnancy Must-have – The Bump. Post-pregnancy Must-have – Mommy Makeover
Ta da… It is confirmed! Nicole Kidman is absolutely one hundred percent pregnant.
The darling lump that was noticed earlier this month on the Australian actor has become a nice-sized bump which left the world gawking at the ACMA in
For a tall girl, Nicole looks amazingly frail and willowy without looking emaciated. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California thinks she might be one of those moms partial to a mommy makeover. Nicole was only recently heard to have wished for ‘big boobs’ as a nice round up for her pregnancy joys.
So looks like the glowing Nicole is thinking of clinging on to her swollen bosom with a breast augmentation surgery. One of the component plastic surgery procedures included in our mommy makeovers procedures package, a breast lift surgery or an augmentation is popular among women who have small breasts before pregnancy.
This is a cosmetic surgery trend that is completely understandable as a lot of women (and men too I am told) are ecstatic with their new big-sized breasts during and for some months after pregnancy.
Just make it a point to check it with your plastic surgeon though for the right time to have your mommy makeovers. Our advanced surgical institute can help you out with this.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Mommy Makeovers Love - Children Changing Their Mommies
Geri Halliwell and Denise Richards have both been touched by the mommy magic and admit that they have been much the better for it.
Pregnancy leaves a lot of women who have been a regular wild-child when they were young with much tempered personalities after they give birth. It may be something to do with the pregnancy itself- that state where the mother is the closest to the child in her womb.
Post-delivery, the birthing process goes on- breast feeding, weaning, first teeth, fevers, chicken pox, etc. When the child is a toddler and is completely dependent on the mother, it’s generally the best time of the mother’s life.
Geri Halliwell, once known as Ginger Spice of the Spice Girls recently admitted that it was the group’s children who actually thinned the ice between the girls. Today, her one time rival Victoria Beckham, is godmother to Bluebell who is playmate to the Beckham kids.
The two women couldn’t look less fit as moms. Geri especially, has managed to keep herself rather fit. I don’t know if she has had a mommy makeover post Bluebell, but her body is less plump now then when she was a Spice Girl.
Victoria Beckham, on the other hand, is believed to have spent quite a lot on cosmetic surgery procedures like breast augmentation, liposuction and face surgery. She is thinking of taking it easy though as she desperately wants a baby girl to dote over.
Are you thinking of getting a mommy makeover now that you have a wonderful child in your life? You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for some great mommy makeovers procedures packages.
Mommy Makeovers Love – Cate Blanchett
Armani can be trusted with to make anything look good on anyone at all. But when that anyone is the ethereal post-pregnancy Cate Blanchett, you are left wondering about the unfairness of it all.
No one ought to look that great, especially after they have given birth to a strapping baby boy. But I shall happily digress if they do such a good job of it as Cate.
Cate stepped out for the Cannes Film Festival wrapped in a magnificent peach Armani Prive gown and swathed in a content new-mommy glow. Her quick and stylish mommy makeover just a month after giving birth to son Ignatius has left us suitably impressed.
Cate Blanchett, in my opinion, is the quintessential
Want to have a mommy makeovers in Los Angeles that will make you glow and bloom like Cate? Let the Plastic Surgery Institute of California know about it and we will help you out with some amazing discounts and cool mommy makeovers procedures packages.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Get Comfortable Breasts With A Mommy Makeover
Just looking at her is painful. I’m talking about Christina Aguilera- new mom and sex-pot Barbie doll.
A close up of Christina’s latest romp in the Big Apple did not do any good for my senses as they were left reeling after being exposed to her vein-infested breasts. Rumors about her breast augmentation have been doing the rounds for a long time now and have achieved truth status.
But I don’t know how fab her mommy makeover is. For one, her breasts look fit to burst and considering the size her augmented breasts were before pregnancy, it’s not much of a surprise.
Christina was always small framed to begin with and having a breast augmentation surgery to insert big-sized implants doesn’t do much for the frame. For women who are planning on having children in the future, it is especially important to use breast implants that will not stretch your breast tissue abnormally or damage the milk ducts.
Mommy makeovers procedures after you have your baby are a cool idea, but you’d want to keep the comfort level to a maximum with all child/children you have to take care of.
Get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know what mommy makeover combination is cool for you.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Jessica Alba And Mommy Makeover – Will She/Will She Not?:
Jessica Alba is glowing these days and is preparing for the best role of her life- motherhood.
But the motherly feeling comes at a cost for this full-figured 27-year-old. Jessica claims nightmares about breast feeding leave her sleepless and paranoid. Apparently it’s the one thing that scares her more than giving birth.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise though; the Fantastic Four actress also admits to hate weddings and remains engaged to Cash Warren, the father of her child.
Jessica just might have a mommy makeover after pregnancy though as she is unsure about what she would do with her stretched tummy after she has given birth. In an interview for Elle magazine last year, she says this to say about plastic surgery, “I'm not going to say never for sure, though. I don't know if, for example, having babies will stretch my stomach beyond what is acceptable.”
Chances are Jessica will have a mommy makeover as she is one actress who’s a stickler for a toned body. And everybody knows that after delivery you have to deal with quite a bit of skin sag and jelly belly.
It sure would be great to look at Alba in her smashing bikinis again though.
Get the coolest mommy makeover procedures at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
When You’re On A Difficult Note With Your Mommy:
For many people, Tori Spelling ought to be first on the list of
In a recent tell-all with ABC Tori related that her relationship with her mom had been far from perfect. The daughter of a successful
A wiser Tori however hopes to avoid getting into the same problem with her own daughter whom she is pregnant with. She is positively glowing in her role as pregnant mom and says, “I love my growing belly and the curves I’m taking on.”
Well, here’s one mom who won’t be having a mommy makeover in a hurry. However, she did have a breast augmentation when she was in her early twenties.
But if she hasn’t had a follow up breast lift as yet, I have a feeling that it might not be long before Tori changes her mind.
After pregnancy, the body tissues that were tightened at an early date tend to lose their elasticity. Many women thus opt for a mommy makeover procedures package after they have given birth to get over this problem.
A breast lift surgery can put the perk back in breasts that have become flaccid after the baby has been weaned. A tummy tuck surgery can re-firm stomach muscles that have been distended during delivery.
The options are many. Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know about the ones you have.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Super Model, Super Wife And Super Mom – Heidi Klum:
The world’s sexiest woman is one mum Mommy Makeovers Beverly Hills loves!
This 34-year-old supermodel mom has got her priorities carefully marked out and always puts her family before anything else. Heidi is definitely not your conventional supermodel!
Every time we have spotted Heidi with her kids she is a picture of filial bliss and looks completely satisfied to carry out her motherly duties. Wife to the magnificent singer Seal and mother to two adorable sons and a daughter, Heidi is a super mom blessed with savvy business acumen.
She has her hands firmly on a
After she gave birth to her third child, 1-year-old Johan, her body sprang back in shape marvelously. While I don’t think she might have had a mommy makeover surgery, I have come across some good evidence of her having had a breast augmentation surgery.
Whether she has had a mommy makeover surgery or not, the Plastic Surgery Institute of California salutes Heidi Klum- supermodel mum par excellence this Mother’s Day!
Visit our advanced surgical institute for exciting mommy makeovers procedure packages and awesome discounts you can avail of for the summer.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Will Liv Tyler Have A Mommy Makeover?
Some of
We had Gwyneth Paltrow who has been scorching the red carpet ever since she began promoting her latest offering Iron Man. Liv Tyler of Lord of the Rings fame is set to join the club with her reprising the role of the female interest, Betty Ross in The Incredible Hulk.
What these women have in common is that they are both mothers.
Liv Tyler is mom to a 3 year-old named
Liv echoes what many women all over the world go through after they give birth to their child. Torn between working out and taking care of the baby, there are a handful that find a solution for their post-partum weight gain.
A plastic surgery procedure like a mommy makeover can be a great solution for these women. Recommended for mothers to go for it only after their bodies have fully recovered from child-birth, this cosmetic procedure wonderfully fine-tunes a woman’s body.
Liv herself is not averse to a cosmetic surgery procedure and was rather emphatic about the decision in last July’s edition of Allure. So maybe she will go ahead and have a mommy makeover for her role as a superhero girlfriend after all.
Get to know more about the mommy makeovers procedures at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Mommy Makeovers And Best Mom Awards:
Okay, this shouldn’t happen in a normal world. At least not in a world that’s the only inhabited planet for light years around and not one rotating on the backs of a giant turtle instead.
Dina Lohan has won the ‘Outstanding Mother of the Year’ award! How? Why?
Okay, for those of you out of the loop, Dina is mommy to the bratty Lindsey and Ali Lohan. Yes, I’m talking about the nefarious Lilo who keeps popping in and out of trouble regularly and the sister who seems to be all set to follow in her footsteps.
Hmm… but you have to say, for her age 44 year-old Dina has kept herself in pretty good shape. In an interview last year for Harper’s Bazaar, she admitted to introducing herself as her daughter’s assistant and going out clubbing together with Lilo.
With her hairstyle, freckled skin and way of dressing she could easily pass for Lindsey. PSI wonders of she has had a mommy makeover at some point in her life. She certainly has that well preserved look that a lot of mommy makeover surgery patients flaunt.
Currently working on a reality show ‘Living Lohan’ and managing her younger daughter Ali’s singing and acting career that is just taking off, the award could prove to be excellent publicity which I’m sure the Lohan family is going to make cunning use of.
What do you think- is Dina Lohan justified in winning the award or does someone else deserve it? And more importantly, do you think she has had a mommy makeover or cosmetic surgery of any sort? The Plastic Surgery Institute of California wants to know what you think.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Does Your Man Know If You Have Had A Mommy Makeovers Orange County?
They forget anniversaries, their socks, their own birthdays, the way to the wash basin, etc. etc. So how do they know if you have had a mommy makeover?
Actually, due to the nature of this cosmetic surgery procedure, a mommy makeover may be just the thing that will get grab their attention!
Let’s examine the reasons behind your decision to have this cosmetic surgery procedure first. Women generally decide to have mommy makeovers procedures because they want to look toned and leaner then their condition before the surgery. If you have chosen a good plastic surgeon, chances are he is going to select the right combination of mommy makeovers Beverly Hills package for you.
It could either be a tummy tuck, breast lift surgery Los Angeles and liposuction combination (the most common one) or it could be a lower body lift and face lift Pasadena package. It could even be a laser skin treatment combination grouped with a liposuction Beverly Hills in the lower body areas.
The choices available in a cosmetic mommy makeover surgery are disparate.
Now the natural outcomes of all these body enhancing procedures are a renewed and healthier looking body and a glowing face. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we have seen women delight in their revamped body. The effect and happiness can be rather contagious.
So, you tell me, how is a man NOT going to notice this beautiful glow!
Fix an appointment with our advanced surgical institute for a life enhancing consultation today.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Halle Berry’s Mommy Makeover:
Ooh, ooh! Fashionistas, fitness freaks and plastic surgery specialists are rife with speculations on
Make Me Heal reports similar musings about
Hmm… but I wonder if a mommy makeover surgery is the secret behind her reclaimed va-va-voom looks. This is because I came across some pics of her where her bustline is rather overflowing. Her post-pregnancy belly too was very obvious and did not look like it had undergone any tummy tuck surgery.
Her overnight makeover could be related to body-constricting garments like shapewear or some handy spandex girdles which also come in large sizes. Body-constricting garments have been around for quite some time now and are wonderful options for new moms.
Since a mommy makeover or any other cosmetic surgery procedure is not really recommended immediately after a pregnancy, you can try out such options.
After your body has completely healed from the pregnancy however, you can drop by for a mommy makeover or an abdominoplasty at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.
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