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Monday, May 26, 2008

Eva Herzigova – The Yummy Mummy To Be

For a woman who loves to ride a Harley Davidson in her spare time and have the moniker ‘Marilyn Monroe of the 90’s’ attached to her name, its all in a day’s work for the proud mommy to a 11-month-old, Eva Herzigova.

Spotted after a long time at this year’s Cannes Film Festival at the premier of Che, Eva brought back fond memories of the girl who was the face of the Wonderbra campaign once upon a time. Her fresh-faced sexuality has only matured with motherhood and makes her a favorite with our mommy makeovers team.

Pregnancy and motherhood actually brought out Eva’s nurturing side and found her flourishing in her motherly curves famously declaring at that time, “I love being fat”.

But fat she definitely isn’t from what we saw of Eva’s figure wrapped in luscious lace at the Croisette’s walkway. The mommy makeover (sans surgery we think) Eva had after she delivered wee George is much better and healthier-looking than the skinny state she was in before pregnancy.

Isn’t it sweet what motherhood can do to a jet-setting model! At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we are loving it.

Get in touch with our advanced surgical institute for some fabulous discounts and packages on mommy makeovers procedures.

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What Your Little Black Dress Says About You
You are lively and outgoing. You are naturally friendly.
You enjoy meeting new people and making new connections.

Your style is whimsical and unique. You're good at putting together interesting outfits.

If you were a shoe, you would be: High heeled boots