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Nutrition Game For Kids

Monday, June 30, 2008

What Mommy Eats, Baby Feels

CSI mommy makeover was totally blown with the research we came across in Science Daily which claimed that prenatal nutrition and nutrition during childhood have a direct influence on the onset of menarche and obesity patterns in young girls.

For this study an experiment was conducted on rats, half of which were given a high-fat diet and the remaining half a regular diet. It was discovered that the progeny of the rats that were given a high fat diet reached maturity early as compared to the other group.

Later in their lifespan the rats born to mother rats that had a high-fat diet, also had high body fat in spite of what they were fed.

While we do not have any known procedure for mommy rats we do have excellent help for human mommies.

mommy makeovers in Beverly Hills we not only recognize how important it is for mothers to be healthy during pregnancy but also how important it is for mommies to remain in a good shape after giving birth.

Keeping in mind all the queries that moms and to-be moms have about their health, the
has a team of qualified and experienced surgeons for help. Whether you want to go down the cosmetic surgery path or you want nutritious advice, the CSI consultants can be your guide.

If you wish to have further information on
mommy makeover procedures, we are just a call away.

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