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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Jessica Alba And Mommy Makeover – Will She/Will She Not?:

Jessica Alba is glowing these days and is preparing for the best role of her life- motherhood.

But the motherly feeling comes at a cost for this full-figured 27-year-old. Jessica claims nightmares about breast feeding leave her sleepless and paranoid. Apparently it’s the one thing that scares her more than giving birth.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise though; the Fantastic Four actress also admits to hate weddings and remains engaged to Cash Warren, the father of her child.

Jessica just might have a mommy makeover after pregnancy though as she is unsure about what she would do with her stretched tummy after she has given birth. In an interview for Elle magazine last year, she says this to say about plastic surgery, “I'm not going to say never for sure, though. I don't know if, for example, having babies will stretch my stomach beyond what is acceptable.”

Chances are Jessica will have a mommy makeover as she is one actress who’s a stickler for a toned body. And everybody knows that after delivery you have to deal with quite a bit of skin sag and jelly belly.

It sure would be great to look at Alba in her smashing bikinis again though.

Get the coolest mommy makeover procedures at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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