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Monday, January 7, 2008

Getting A Makeover To Work For The New Mommy:

As the mother of a new-born there are strong chances that you might find taking care of the new baby rather demanding on your body. Somewhere in the process of keeping your young one healthy and on the go you let yourself, or rather, let your body go.

Post pregnancy care for your body is just as important as pre-pregnancy care for your little bundle of joy. Personal body care is an important factor which many mothers both old and new overlook.

Those horrid lines that appear in the tummy area known as stretch marks are the prime enemy of a woman who has just given birth. While it is not possible to do away completely with stretch marks, it is certainly possible to lessen their appearance.

Plastic surgery has certain tummy tuck techniques that can help you combat stretch marks. Sagging skin is a result of the stomach skin that has returned to its normal shape after delivery. Stretch marks appear when the stomach is returning to its previous shape.

An abdominoplasty procedure can do away with a sagging waistline and excess skin in and around the lower abdomen area. Plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California offer tummy tuck procedures as part of the mommy makeover packages which help mothers deal with a changed body post pregnancy.

Smooth skin, controlled tummy muscles and a happy, healthy you are just some of the wonderful side-effects of this board certified plastic surgery procedure. For more mommy makeover information you can get in touch with any of our experienced plastic surgery consultants by clicking here.

The LBD Quiz

What Your Little Black Dress Says About You
You are lively and outgoing. You are naturally friendly.
You enjoy meeting new people and making new connections.

Your style is whimsical and unique. You're good at putting together interesting outfits.

If you were a shoe, you would be: High heeled boots